
[Fresh Digital Shit] QuickTimeInstaller.exe: TECHNICAL FILE INFORMATION



File Type Description : Portable Executable (PE)

Entry Point RVA: 0000A8C4h

Entry Point RAW: 0000A8C4h



Relocation info stripped from file

File is executable (i.e. no unresolved external references)

Machine based on 32-bit-word architecture



Machine: 014Ch (i386 or later, and compatible)

Number of Sections: 0004h

Time Date Stamp: 55CE8EF0h -> 15/08/2015 03:59:28

Symbols Pointer: 00000000h

Number Of Symbols: 00000000h

Size Of Optional Header: 00E0h

Flags: 0103h



Magic 010Bh ( PE32 : normal 32-bit )

Linker version 8.00

Size of code 00011000h

Size of initialized data 027E7000h

Size of uninitialized data 00000000h

Address of Entry Point (RVA) 0000A8C4h

Base of code 00001000h

Base of data 00012000h

Image base 00400000h

Section Alignment 00001000h

File Alignment 00001000h

Required OS version 4.00

Image version 0.00

Subsystem version 4.00

Reserved1 0

Size of image 027F9000h ( 41914368 bytes)

Size of headers 00001000h

Checksum 027FA8F5h

Subsystem 0002h (Image runs in the Windows GUI subsystem)

DLL Characteristics 0000h

Size of Stack Reserve 00100000h

Size of Stack Commit 00001000h

Size of Heap Reserve 00100000h

Size of Heap Commit 00001000h

loader flags 00000000h (obsolete)

Number of Data Directory 00000010h


DATA DIRECTORY (Virtual Address and Size)

Export Directory rva:

Import Directory rva: 0001438Ch size: 0000003Ch

Resource Directory rva: 0001B000h size: 027DDB80h

Exception table rva:

Security table rva: 027F5000h size: 00001940h

Base Relocation table rva:

Debug Directory rva: 000121D0h size: 0000001Ch

Architecture Specific Data rva:

Global Pointer rva:

TLS Directory rva:

Load config table rva: 00013DE8h size: 00000040h

Bound Import table rva:

Import Address Table rva: 00012000h size: 00000184h

Delay import descriptor rva:

COM descriptor rva:

unused rva:



01 .text

VirtAddr: 00001000h VirtSize: 00010B94h

raw data offs: 00001000h raw data size: 00011000h

relocation offs: 00000000h relocations: 00000000h

line # offs: 00000000h line #'s: 00000000h

characteristics: 60000020h


02 .rdata

VirtAddr: 00012000h VirtSize: 00002C04h

raw data offs: 00012000h raw data size: 00003000h

relocation offs: 00000000h relocations: 00000000h

line # offs: 00000000h line #'s: 00000000h

characteristics: 40000040h


03 .data

VirtAddr: 00015000h VirtSize: 000052DCh

raw data offs: 00015000h raw data size: 00002000h

relocation offs: 00000000h relocations: 00000000h

line # offs: 00000000h line #'s: 00000000h

characteristics: C0000040h


04 .rsrc

VirtAddr: 0001B000h VirtSize: 027DDB80h

raw data offs: 00017000h raw data size: 027DE000h

relocation offs: 00000000h relocations: 00000000h

line # offs: 00000000h line #'s: 00000000h

characteristics: 40000040h





Import Lookup Table RVA: 00014544h (Unbound IAT)

TimeDateStamp: 00000000h

ForwarderChain: 00000000h

DLL Name RVA: 0001454Ch

Import Address Table RVA: 0001217Ch

First thunk RVA: 0001217Ch

Ordn Name

----- -----




Import Lookup Table RVA: 000143C8h (Unbound IAT)

TimeDateStamp: 00000000h

ForwarderChain: 00000000h

DLL Name RVA: 00014778h

Import Address Table RVA: 00012000h

First thunk RVA: 00012000h

Ordn Name

784 SetEndOfFile

600 LocalAlloc

604 LocalFree

853 SizeofResource

613 LockResource

599 LoadResource

227 FindResourceA

381 GetModuleFileNameA

250 FreeResource

793 SetFileAttributesA

52 CloseHandle

799 SetFileTime

602 LocalFileTimeToFileTime

143 DosDateTimeToFileTime

83 CreateFileA

708 RemoveDirectoryA

131 DeleteFileA

346 GetExitCodeProcess

912 WaitForSingleObject

102 CreateProcessA

821 SetProcessWorkingSetSize

322 GetCurrentProcess

449 GetSystemDirectoryA

75 CreateDirectoryA

479 GetTickCount

369 GetLastError

96 CreateMutexA

323 GetCurrentProcessId

469 GetTempPathA

823 SetStdHandle

371 GetLocalTime

358 GetFileType

629 MultiByteToWideChar

693 ReadFile

932 WriteFile

916 WideCharToMultiByte

290 GetConsoleCP

307 GetConsoleMode

795 SetFilePointer

534 HeapFree

416 GetProcAddress

383 GetModuleHandleA

185 ExitProcess

152 EnterCriticalSection

593 LeaveCriticalSection

272 GetCommandLineA

489 GetVersionExA

528 HeapAlloc

419 GetProcessHeap

439 GetStartupInfoA

862 TerminateProcess

878 UnhandledExceptionFilter

842 SetUnhandledExceptionFilter

569 IsDebuggerPresent

804 SetHandleCount

441 GetStdHandle

129 DeleteCriticalSection

854 Sleep

921 WriteConsoleA

309 GetConsoleOutputCP

931 WriteConsoleW

869 TlsGetValue

867 TlsAlloc

870 TlsSetValue

868 TlsFree

556 InterlockedIncrement

808 SetLastError

326 GetCurrentThreadId

552 InterlockedDecrement

532 HeapDestroy

530 HeapCreate

899 VirtualFree

897 VirtualAlloc

538 HeapReAlloc

238 FlushFileBuffers

594 LoadLibraryA

547 InitializeCriticalSection

260 GetCPInfo

253 GetACP

403 GetOEMCP

575 IsValidCodePage

580 LCMapStringA

581 LCMapStringW

246 FreeEnvironmentStringsA

341 GetEnvironmentStrings

247 FreeEnvironmentStringsW

343 GetEnvironmentStringsW

675 QueryPerformanceCounter

458 GetSystemTimeAsFileTime

727 RtlUnwind

540 HeapSize

372 GetLocaleInfoA

442 GetStringTypeA

445 GetStringTypeW





Header Information :


Signature : 5A4Dh

Bytes on last page of file : 0090h

Total Pages in File : 0003h

Relocation Items : 0000h

Size of header in paragraphs : 0004h

Minimum Extra Paragraphs : 0000h

Maximum Extra Paragraphs : FFFFh

Initial Stack Segment : 0000h

Initial Stack Pointer : 00B8h

Complemented Checksum : 0000h

Initial Instruction Pointer : 0000h

Initial Code Segment : 0000h

Relocation Table Offset : 0040h

Overlay Number : 0000h


Extra Header Information :

Reserved WORD 0: 0000h

Reserved WORD 1: 0000h

Reserved WORD 2: 0000h

Reserved WORD 3: 0000h

OEM identifier : 0000h

OEM information : 0000h

Reserved WORD 0: 0000h

Reserved WORD 1: 0000h

Reserved WORD 2: 0000h

Reserved WORD 3: 0000h

Reserved WORD 4: 0000h

Reserved WORD 5: 0000h

Reserved WORD 6: 0000h

Reserved WORD 7: 0000h

Reserved WORD 8: 0000h

Reserved WORD 9: 0000h

New Header Address : 000000E8h

Memory Needed : 1680 B ( 1 KB )

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